Well, spring has already arrived in Switzerland, so we thought we better give an update on what ZimFit has been up to in the winter.
Although the snow conditions were a bit of a roller coaster this season, we were able to run the outdoor circuits as well as other outdoor events – although some improvisation was needed at times. A couple of the Lausanne circuits had to be conducted on snowshoes in Vidy due to the large amount of snow in December.
Considering the average snow conditions, we did manage to schedule quite a few cross country skiing sessions. Luckily, the Vaud/Geneva region has a lot of areas to choose from. Often the French Jura was providing excellent conditions, while Les Mosses in the “Alpes Vaudoise” was melting – and sometimes it was the other way around.
There were a few weeks when there was more ice/mud than snow, so we simply changed to the roller skis – nothing better to ski along the lake under beautiful sunshine, when everyone else is complaining about the lack of snow 🙂
The snowshoeing events had to suffer a bit, but finally we were able to run one evening session near St Cegue. So very keen to correct this next season…
And then we had a few specific training events, e.g. supporting Mel in her Marathon training. We wish her good luck in London this month!